Jericho Global Shout

Let the Shofar blow on Zion!
 15 אלול

On the seventh day…the only day they marched around seven times…on the seventh time, the priests blew the horns…Joshua commanded the people to shout… So…when the Shofars were sounded…the people raised a mighty shout and the wall collapsed.  Joshua 6:15-20 (abbrev.)

A call to Arms!  You are being summoned to join the Global Shout to break through and bring down the resistance prohibiting the Shofar from being sounded on the Temple Mount!

Rabbi Yehudah Glick and his shofar army from Shalom Jerusalem Foundation will join Robert “Shofar So Great” and Erna Covos, “The Lady of Jericho” and founder of Beit Hogla Farm.  We will go into Jericho to pray the morning prayers at the old Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue and blow the shofar as Joshua did when this ancient nation was 

Join us on Rabbi Yehudah’s Facebook live!* pending wi-fi connectivity

We are encouraging those in the Nations to participate on Elul 15, 5780 with a Shofar blast or shout from wherever you are on this day of the Full Moon! 

Friday, September 4, 2020, Between 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Israel Daylight Time 

Thursday, September 3, 2020, Between 9:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time 

It is forbidden by the Israeli government for Israeli Citizens to enter Jericho without a military escort.  So we will be accompanied by an Israeli
Defense Forces convoy for our Shofari mission to pray that the walls of resistance fall to bring forth the Temple Mount as a House of Prayer for All Nations.

Previous journeys into Jericho under the protection of the Israeli Defense Forces military convoy!  

תפילה ביריחו
ביום שישי, ט”ו אלול – 04/09/2020 בשעה 07:00 בבוקר: תפילה וסיור בבית הכנסת שלום על ישראל ביריחו. א”כ ביקור וסיור בבית חגלה על פני יריחו.
אוטובוס יוצא ב-6:00 בבוקר מירושלים (תחנה 4216 בשד’ הרצל לכיוון תחנה מרכזית – התחנה האחרונה לפני הרמזורים של צומת הרצל \ שזר). ב-6:50 האוטובוס עושה תחנה נוספת במושב נעמה (על כביש 90 בבקעת הירדן) – בש”ג של המושב. 
עלות 40 ₪ לאיש.
הרשמה חובה עד יום רביעי בלילה : לשלוח WhatsApp / SMS ל-ארנה טל 0528699300. לציין את שמך, את כמות המשתתפים, ואת האירוע בו תרצה להירשם.
בקרו באתר
בברכה מיריחו

Prayer in Jericho
Friday, 15 Elul – 04/09/2020 at 07:00 AM: Prayer and tour of the Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue in Jericho followed by a visit and tour of Beit Hogla farm East of Jericho. A bus leaves Jerusalem at 6:00 in the morning (station 4216 on Herzl Blvd. in the direction of Central Station – the last stop before the traffic lights at Herzl / Shazar junction).
At 6:50 the bus makes another stop In Moshav Naama (on Road 90 in the Jordan Valley).  Cost is 40 NIS per person. Registration required by Wednesday night: Send WhatsApp / SMS to Erna Phone 0528699300. Indicate your name, the number of participants, and the event in which you would like to register. Visit the website Welcome from Jericho

The Prophet Joel tells us that the thing to do in a time of crisis is to blow the shofar on Mount Zion!

This is your chance to personally make a difference to shift and change our current circumstances on the Temple Mount with a shout in Jericho, a cry of repentance, a wake-up call, a shout of victory, a proclamation of deliverance that sets the captives free….a call to God’s people, Jew and Gentile, to release a shout, a Corona-tion for the King of Kings.  May it be God’s will to create a vibration and sound representing HIS voice to be released on Har HaBait. “And Joshua said, Shout for the Lord will give you the city!”  Joshua 6:16

Click here now to get your own shofar from Jerusalem, while supporting our work to change facts on the Temple Mount and turning it into a House of Prayer for All Nations.

…in the sweet words of the holy Seraphim…. And they call to one another and say קדוש “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of HIS glory.”

Then with a great, mighty and powerful roaring sound, they make their voice heard…and say “Blessed be the glory of the Lord from its place.  “From Your place, our King, reveal Yourself …. When will You reign in Zion?  Let it be soon, in our days, forever and ever.  May You dwell, be exalted and hallowed within Jerusalem.  Your city for all generations and to all eternity.  May our eyes behold Your Kingship….O Zion, throughout all generations.  Hallelujah.  Isaiah 6:3, Ezekiel 3:12, Psalms 146:10 (abbrev.)

May the G~d of Israel Bless You Mightily!

Robert Weinger – Rosh Tekiah

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Robert Weinger