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Jerusalem Rabbis call a Prayer Rally on June 21, 2009 to travail for G-d’s help against the many threats confronting Israel.  The silver trumpets cry out accompanied by Robert’s Shofarot!  Listen to the anointed sounds by clicking below:

Below, 10 yr.- old Dana Lee receives instruction to sound the Shofar as part of G-d’s Shofar Army. Following prayer, Dana is able to master the sounding of five notes in less than four minutes.

After being anointed with the gift to release the “sounds of heaven,” 10 yr.- old Dana Lee demonstrates five notes on the Shofar.

Rosh Tekiah (Chief Sounder) and Shofar So Great Founder, Robert Weinger, sounds a rendition of Taps in Jerusalem to honor the Six Million at Ramat Rachel during Israel’s 60th Anniversay year.

National Statutory Hall Rotunda at the US Capitol circa 2017

Africa Shofar for the World Cup
The Shofar factory in Israel where Shofar So Great Shofarot are sourced.  Here is a video on how they are made:

Israel’s history recommended viewing

Jan 2017 Shofar Factory Tour

The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive – Treasures of The SSJFA

October 7 2023 Simchat Torah at HaKotel