A Shofar Call to Arms 

Blow a shofar in Tzion, Sound an alarm on My holy mount! Let all dwellers on earth tremble, For the day of Hashem has come! It is close—
See full scripture Joel 2

Dear Shofar So Great Partners, Friends, and Family,*

Okotch and I have departed Washington D.C., the National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance along with The National Prayer Breakfast and other strategic divine appointments, carrying a message of repentance and hope for America and Israel.  We are on assignment, the essence of which I am not able to disclose at this time.  I am requesting you all send me at least $10 this week via Zelle, ([email protected]) or CashApp ($Robmystr).…if you use CashApp at my invitation, we will each receive $5, so text me beforehand and I will send you the invite.At least 50% of the funds raised will be donated to the efforts of the United Nations For Israel’s campaign “ADA” to restore the lives of the elite commando IDF soldiers unit that have returned to their devastated base on a break from the war.  I have already paid it forward, and $500.00 was deposited today with UNIFY.You have this opportunity to be in action to bless Israel in her time of Jacob’s trouble and walk in the blessing and eternal reward that follows.  Thank you in advance for your continued support of Shofar So Great!  I promise to share the results of this assignment within the next weeks with all who take action and respond to my appeal

*Please excuse me if this email is received as a duplication.  I announced this campaign yesterday on my Telegram Administrator Post Only Chat Group and was advised that the message should be copied to all of my social media where you may be in the database on multiple platforms.
May Hashem continue to bless you!  Bizrat Hashem a first fruit has been received from the earlier post!  This is a Shofar Call to Arms…a muster, a military roll call.  Come join Okotch and I, stand a post and like David at Ziklag, those that stayed behind with the equipment received the same share as those that went into the fight! 1 Samuel 30:24