
A Shofar Call to Arms 

Blow a shofar in Tzion, Sound an alarm on My holy mount! Let all dwellers on earth tremble, For the day of Hashem has come! It is close—
See full scripture Joel 2

Dear Shofar So Great Partners, Friends, and Family,*

Okotch and I have departed Washington D.C., the National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance along with The National Prayer Breakfast and other strategic divine appointments, carrying a message of repentance and hope for America and Israel.  We are on assignment, the essence of which I am not able to disclose at this time.  I am requesting you all send me at least $10 this week via Zelle, ([email protected]) or CashApp ($Robmystr).…if you use CashApp at my invitation, we will each receive $5, so text me beforehand and I will send you the invite.At least 50% of the funds raised will be donated to the efforts of the United Nations For Israel’s campaign “ADA” to restore the lives of the elite commando IDF soldiers unit that have returned to their devastated base on a break from the war.  I have already paid it forward, and $500.00 was deposited today with UNIFY.You have this opportunity to be in action to bless Israel in her time of Jacob’s trouble and walk in the blessing and eternal reward that follows.  Thank you in advance for your continued support of Shofar So Great!  I promise to share the results of this assignment within the next weeks with all who take action and respond to my appeal

*Please excuse me if this email is received as a duplication.  I announced this campaign yesterday on my Telegram Administrator Post Only Chat Group and was advised that the message should be copied to all of my social media where you may be in the database on multiple platforms.
May Hashem continue to bless you!  Bizrat Hashem a first fruit has been received from the earlier post!  This is a Shofar Call to Arms…a muster, a military roll call.  Come join Okotch and I, stand a post and like David at Ziklag, those that stayed behind with the equipment received the same share as those that went into the fight! 1 Samuel 30:24

The Great Shofar Jubilee

Baruch Hashem!  Jack Weinger’s iconic painting, “The Great Shofar,” has been given new life! 

World Class Sculptor, “Tato,” (pronounced Tah-Toe) creates a three-dimensional masterpiece symbolizing Kibbutz Galuyot!

Note: A replica of Dad’s signature from the original painting is embossed on the bell of the Shofar (rt.), signature as it appears on the image highlighted (lft.) dated 1972.

Below is a photo of “The Great Shofar” giclee’ with Dad’s signature on the back of the canvas.

Dear Loyal Shofar So Great Patron and Partner,

The year 2022 marked fifty years since my Dad completed his iconic oil painting, “The Great Shofar.” (TGS) It was the prophetic work that still hangs in the foyer of the Weinger Family home in Los Angeles; the image that has taken on a life of its own.  My father’s life has been a picture and fulfillment of “Jubilee,” born in a jubilee year,1917, the year of the Balfour Declaration; reached age fifty in 1967, around the reunification of Jerusalem, and died at age one hundred on Rosh Hashanah 2017. 

Since 2011, there are 183 TGS prints circulating the world in many high-profile locations including The Hague in the Netherlands, in and around Jerusalem at Hadassah Hospital, the Office of Israel’s Chief Rabbi, and The Great Synagogue.  Others are displayed prominently in Australia, Kenya, Denmark, Sri Lanka, Israel, Nigeria; over a third of the United States including Texas, Georgia, California, New York, New Jersey,  Delaware, New Mexico, Illinois, Virginia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alaska, Hawaii.

You can read the full narrative regarding the painting’s history and prophetic implications here:

Having recently realized 2022 was the painting’s Jubilee Year, I was curious about the future of this prophetic piece of art now that Mom has passed away. The original will eventually be given to me as part of my inheritance. 

Interestingly, some of you will recall that my return trip to Israel from the USA on March 8 was supernaturally upgraded to First Class in Seat 3D!  I was flying three-dimensionally to Israel!  Little did I know what awaited upon my return to Avi Mishaan’s Shofar Factory. 

In my absence, part of the factory had transformed into an art hub and gallery for a world-class artist, Tato, who showed up last August saying Hashem had sent him.  Tato has been working in obscurity for eighteen years, until going out on his own in 2016.  Many of his sculptures grace different nations’ public squares around the world. and prestigious galleries like that of Frank Meisler, Tel Aviv-Jaffa,

How surprised was I to discover that The Great Shofar painting hanging in Avi’s office was the inspiration for Tato to begin a work; a labor of love, a four month process bringing TGS off the canvas into a three-dimensional sculpture.  He worked for three straight weeks just on the mold.

This week the finished bronze statue was unveiled and the first Artist Proof (AP) is being revealed prematurely in these photos using a temporary base sans the custom Jerusalem stone base display stand that is still being crafted.

As Tato provided a sneak preview of his latest masterpiece to fine galleries and the art community, there has been an overwhelming response and initial demand.  An art gallery in the UK has requested five pieces!  A fine art gallery owner at Jerusalem’s prestigious Mamilla Mall, where its promenade is peppered with life size bronze sculptures, described how, for her and she believes many others, this work represents “Kibbutz Galuyot,”

The Gathering of Israel (Hebrew: קיבוץ גלויות, Kibbutz Galuyot .(BiblicalQibbuṣ Galuyoth), lit. Ingathering of the Exiles, also known as Ingathering of the Jewish diaspora) is the biblical promise of Deuteronomy 30:1–5 given by Moses to the people of Israel prior to their entrance into the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael).

“Sound the Great Shofar for our freedom, raise the banner to gather our exiles, and speedily gather us together from the four corners of the earth to our Land. Blessed are You, who gathers in the dispersed of His people Israel.”

To some, the hand holding the Shofar is that of Aaron, the Cohen Gadol, High Priest, and brother to Moses.  The surrounding hands represent the Cohanim.

This piece was so impactful, that the Mamilla Mall management has signed an agreement allowing Tato to place nine sculptures on the promenade starting in January, one of which they requested to be a life-sized version of The Great Shofar!  The mall does not pay for the sculpture and as I understand it, there is an actual one-time fee charged; however, the artist receives the greatest marketing exposure in the world, aligning with other world-class artists featured on the promenade.  So eager was management to have this piece on display, they offered Tato three of the nine at no fee!

Promenade at the prestigious Mamilla Mall, Jerusalem at the foot of Jaffa Gate in the Old City.

At the end of May, Okotch Mondoh arrived from Kenya to join us at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast and to attend some additional meetings.  On our way to Tel Aviv, we stopped at the Shofar factory and Okotch saw an early rendition of the mold and model.  This week, one day after I viewed the finished bronze TGS statue for the first time, I received a call from Okotch wanting to share a dream that had occured for him two nights in a row. 

He said he dreamed that TGS sculpture, whose hands to him represents the Torah, the Law, appeared as a large monument in front of a key Israeli Government office or building, prophetically fulfilling Isaiah 2 and Micah 4!  What a confirmation!  He was shocked to hear that something like that had just been requested at Mamilla!

A world-class artist of reknown, Tato’s inspired hand-painted Shofar depicting Jerusalem.

It was Tato’s suggestion and craftsmanship that added a silver Lion of Judah to our custom Freedom Staff collection!

Your past participation as a valued donor and patron of Shofar So Great and Beit Hogla has established a covenant with this Land and our people in perpetuity.  You have blessed Israel and the G~d of Israel, HASHEM, will not forsake you!  It is written in HIS word, Genesis (Bereisheet) 12:3 that you WILL be blessed, for HE keeps his promises!

Jericho Global Shout

Let the Shofar blow on Zion!
 15 אלול

On the seventh day…the only day they marched around seven times…on the seventh time, the priests blew the horns…Joshua commanded the people to shout… So…when the Shofars were sounded…the people raised a mighty shout and the wall collapsed.  Joshua 6:15-20 (abbrev.)

A call to Arms!  You are being summoned to join the Global Shout to break through and bring down the resistance prohibiting the Shofar from being sounded on the Temple Mount!

Rabbi Yehudah Glick and his shofar army from Shalom Jerusalem Foundation will join Robert “Shofar So Great” and Erna Covos, “The Lady of Jericho” and founder of Beit Hogla Farm.  We will go into Jericho to pray the morning prayers at the old Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue and blow the shofar as Joshua did when this ancient nation was 

Join us on Rabbi Yehudah’s Facebook live!* pending wi-fi connectivity

We are encouraging those in the Nations to participate on Elul 15, 5780 with a Shofar blast or shout from wherever you are on this day of the Full Moon! 

Friday, September 4, 2020, Between 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Israel Daylight Time 

Thursday, September 3, 2020, Between 9:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time 

It is forbidden by the Israeli government for Israeli Citizens to enter Jericho without a military escort.  So we will be accompanied by an Israeli
Defense Forces convoy for our Shofari mission to pray that the walls of resistance fall to bring forth the Temple Mount as a House of Prayer for All Nations.

Previous journeys into Jericho under the protection of the Israeli Defense Forces military convoy!  

תפילה ביריחו
ביום שישי, ט”ו אלול – 04/09/2020 בשעה 07:00 בבוקר: תפילה וסיור בבית הכנסת שלום על ישראל ביריחו. א”כ ביקור וסיור בבית חגלה על פני יריחו.
אוטובוס יוצא ב-6:00 בבוקר מירושלים (תחנה 4216 בשד’ הרצל לכיוון תחנה מרכזית – התחנה האחרונה לפני הרמזורים של צומת הרצל \ שזר). ב-6:50 האוטובוס עושה תחנה נוספת במושב נעמה (על כביש 90 בבקעת הירדן) – בש”ג של המושב. 
עלות 40 ₪ לאיש.
הרשמה חובה עד יום רביעי בלילה : לשלוח WhatsApp / SMS ל-ארנה טל 0528699300. לציין את שמך, את כמות המשתתפים, ואת האירוע בו תרצה להירשם.
בקרו באתר
בברכה מיריחו

Prayer in Jericho
Friday, 15 Elul – 04/09/2020 at 07:00 AM: Prayer and tour of the Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue in Jericho followed by a visit and tour of Beit Hogla farm East of Jericho. A bus leaves Jerusalem at 6:00 in the morning (station 4216 on Herzl Blvd. in the direction of Central Station – the last stop before the traffic lights at Herzl / Shazar junction).
At 6:50 the bus makes another stop In Moshav Naama (on Road 90 in the Jordan Valley).  Cost is 40 NIS per person. Registration required by Wednesday night: Send WhatsApp / SMS to Erna Phone 0528699300. Indicate your name, the number of participants, and the event in which you would like to register. Visit the website Welcome from Jericho

The Prophet Joel tells us that the thing to do in a time of crisis is to blow the shofar on Mount Zion!

This is your chance to personally make a difference to shift and change our current circumstances on the Temple Mount with a shout in Jericho, a cry of repentance, a wake-up call, a shout of victory, a proclamation of deliverance that sets the captives free….a call to God’s people, Jew and Gentile, to release a shout, a Corona-tion for the King of Kings.  May it be God’s will to create a vibration and sound representing HIS voice to be released on Har HaBait. “And Joshua said, Shout for the Lord will give you the city!”  Joshua 6:16

Click here now to get your own shofar from Jerusalem, while supporting our work to change facts on the Temple Mount and turning it into a House of Prayer for All Nations.

…in the sweet words of the holy Seraphim…. And they call to one another and say קדוש “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of HIS glory.”

Then with a great, mighty and powerful roaring sound, they make their voice heard…and say “Blessed be the glory of the Lord from its place.  “From Your place, our King, reveal Yourself …. When will You reign in Zion?  Let it be soon, in our days, forever and ever.  May You dwell, be exalted and hallowed within Jerusalem.  Your city for all generations and to all eternity.  May our eyes behold Your Kingship….O Zion, throughout all generations.  Hallelujah.  Isaiah 6:3, Ezekiel 3:12, Psalms 146:10 (abbrev.)

May the G~d of Israel Bless You Mightily!

Robert Weinger – Rosh Tekiah

Let the Shofar Blow on Zion! Shalom Jerusalem Foundation Campaign

Let the Shofar Blow on Zion!
Sound an alarm on God’s holy mount!

Dear Shofar So Great Partners, Friends & Family,

We have been blessed in these days that we, the Jewish People, Am Yisrael, have returned to our Homeland.  Jerusalem has been declared the undivided capital and foundation stone of all faith. The time has come to call out to The Lord in the name of all humanity.  I invite you to join in partnership with The Shalom Jerusalem Foundation in blowing a Shofar of redemption around the world!  Now is your time to make covenant with the God of Israel and be a stakeholder in Hashem’s redemptive plan.  

Rabbi Yehudah Glick, President of Shalom Jerusalem Foundation, has submitted a request to the Israeli police headquarters, asking for permission to blow the shofar on the Temple Mount for the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. Who could imagine that the Jewish people would have to ask police permission to release Hashem’s voice from the place where HIS Glory manifested in HIS Temple?  Throughout this period, Rabbi Yehudah will lead weekly global shofar blowing events accompanied by Robert, Shofar So Great, to spearhead a breakthrough for Jewish prayer from Mount Moriah!

In view of the severe plague that is befalling this world, and in view of the days of the month of Elul that we are in the midst of, and in view of the days of awe ahead, Rabbi Yehudah Glick urges you to take part in this very important global event, to sound the alarm throughout the world from the holy city of Jerusalem.

A Minyan of Shofars gathered at the Tribe’s Gate continuing the assignment to surround the gates of the Temple Mount with the “Voice of Hashem,” calling for the Shofar to be blown on the Temple Mount this Rosh Hashanah. Just a week ago a policeman narrowly survived a stabbing attack at the Tribe’s Gate. It was from this gate that Rabbi Goren entered the Temple Mount in 1967 with a Shofar in his hand.

32″ – 34″ Yemenite Kudu silver and gold plated accessorized shofar featuring the Lion of Judah, Jerusalem, and Crown of the King design! This beauty will be yours for:

$700 one time donation
$100 monthly donation for 12 months.


Get your own personal Shofar So Great Shofar from Jerusalem and become a partner in our movement to change facts on the Temple Mount and turn it into a House of Prayer for All Nations!

Here is an opportunity to support The Shalom Jerusalem Foundation’s efforts to represent the rights of the Jewish People and all of God’s People to worship on The Temple Mount in a House of Prayer for All Nations!  Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets, leading up to Yom Kippur is only weeks away.

32″ – 34″ Yemenite Kudu shofar fully polished, half polished or all-natural. This elegant piece will be yours for:

$400 one time donation
$50 monthly donation for 12 months.

For your one-time gift of $480.00 USD or 12 monthly recurring payments of $50.00 USD, you will receive a 32″ – 34″ Yemenite Kudu shofar fully polished, half polished or all-natural.

9″ – 13″ ram’s horn silver and gold plated accessorized shofar featuring the Lion of Judah, Jerusalem, and Crown of the King design! This classy horn can be yours with:

$260 one time donation
$30 monthly donation for 12 months

9″ – 13″ ram’s horn shofar fully polished, half polished, or all-natural. This beautiful ram’s horn can be yours with:

$80 one time donation
$18 monthly donation for 12 months.

If the four choices listed do not fit your need, we can provide you with a selection of custom shofarot including the hand-painted Shalom Jerusalem Flag Shofar that Rabbi Glick will sound at each of the gates and in Jericho.  They are signed by the Israeli artist Irina Rabinovich, and it comes with a certificate of authenticity.  For more information contact via email: [email protected].  Your purchase of a Shofar So Great custom shofar benefits the Shalom Jerusalem Foundation.

Shofar So Great is pleased to announce our partnership with The Shalom Jerusalem Foundation.  In 2015, Master Shofar Sounder and Rosh Tekiah, Robert Weinger, migrated to Israel making Aliyah. He is currently fulfilling his prophetic destiny as a modern-day pioneer in the biblical Gilgal, possessing the land God gave the Jewish people as an everlasting covenant, sounding the Shofar prophetically to bring down the walls of Jericho and calling the Children of Israel home!  You are invited to visit his “Shofar So Great” shop at Beit Hogla East of Jericho.

Shofar So Great features shofarot direct from factories operated by some of Israel’s founding Jewish families whose tradition dates back generations.  Your choice of shofar from the options above has been hand-selected and personally tested for sound quality by Robert himself.

Postage is included in your order.  Please allow 25-30 business days for delivery as we cannot control the status of your package once it leaves Israel even though we provide a tracking number.  You can be guaranteed that the shofar you receive will meet the highest standard for achieving the sound of heaven.  You may request a specific style with your order, but we cannot assure you will receive your first choice of polished, half polished or all-natural. 

The most important factor in choosing a shofar is knowing its source.  

Now is your chance to get your own shofar from Jerusalem, while supporting our work to change facts on the Temple Mount and turning it into a House of Prayer for All Nations.

With blessings of Shalom from Jerusalem,

Yehudah Glick
President, Shalom Jerusalem Foundation

May the G~d of Israel Bless you mightily!

Robert Weinger – Rosh Tekiah

Time Sensitive! Conquer Corona

Conquering Corona!
 28 נ׳סן

On the seventh day…the only day they marched around seven times…on the seventh time, the priests blew the horns…Joshua commanded the people to shout… So…when the Shofars were sounded…the people raised a mighty shout and the wall collapsed.  Joshua 6:15-20 (abbrev.)

A call to Arms!  You are being summoned to join the Global Shout to breakthrough and bring down the coronavirus!  Nisan 28 on the Hebrew Calendar occurs this Wednesday, April 22nd.  It is the biblical anniversary date of the conquering of Jericho.

During recent years since Shofar So Great has been established at Beit Hogla, the Jewish Jericho some 6.2 km away from the city, we have commemorated Joshua’s victory with a pilgrimage to sound Shofars to prophetically bring down strongholds that remain.

During recent years since Shofar So Great has been established at Beit Hogla, the Jewish Jericho some 6.2 km away from the city, we have commemorated Joshua’s victory with a pilgrimage to sound Shofars to prophetically bring down strongholds that remain.

This year we are confronted with an obstacle, a symbolic wall, Covid-19, that prevents us from actually entering Jericho during the current travel restrictions. I believe the Shofar community worldwide is being called for such a time as this. We must wage war and advance through and beyond this invisible enemy’s front-line of defense.

You are hereby commissioned to join this prophetic Shofari into Jericho to release a worldwide global blast to break this spiritual stronghold.

Those in the Nations can participate on Wednesday, April 22nd, between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Israel Daylight Time (7 a.m. to 9 a.m. PDT), with a Shofar blast or shout from wherever you are.

It is forbidden by the Israeli government for Israeli Citizens to enter Jericho without a military escort.  So as the resident Chief Shofar Sounder based in Jewish Jericho, I will be standing in proxy and circling the city seven times with a Shofar drive-by shouting from my Shoferrari!

Previous journeys into Jericho under the protection of the Israeli Defense Forces military convoy!

Psalm 53 says, “G~d looks down from heaven, upon the human race, looking for one who is wise; even one that seeks HIS face.” HE is looking for even one of us to go where HE says to go and release what HE says to release!

This is your chance to personally make a difference to shift and change our current circumstances with a cry of repentance, a wake-up call, a shout of victory, a proclamation of deliverance that sets the captives free. A call to G~d’s people, Jew and Gentile to release a shout, a Corona-tion for the King of Kings. May it be G~d’s will to create a vibration and sound representing HIS voice to cause a new alignment THAT UNITES US ALL in ECHAD in HIM. “And Joshua said, Shout for the L~rd will give you the city!” Joshua 6:16

ICYMI! Pesach Message 5780

!5780חג פסח שמח
Observing Pesach from the biblical Gilgal!

Tonight at sundown marks the beginning of the holy observance of Pesach or Passover: It is the retelling of our people’s exodus from Egypt out of bondage and slavery into freedom! The Feast of Unleavened Bread begins tonight with the Seder, a festive yet solemn occasion centered around the four questions. The first, “Why is this night different from all other nights?” This year there seems to be the fifth question; “Why is this Seder different from all other Seders?”

This year’s Seder in Israel is being observed with the entire Nation in lockdown. No communal festivities. So could history be repeating itself? Is it a mere coincidence that a global pandemic has occurred during the same season as when Pharaoh and the land of Egypt were smitten with the ten plagues? Remember, this is the night where the blood was placed on the doorposts of the Israelites, a sign for the Angel of Death to pass over.

In the last thirty-six hours, I have received hundreds of requests to join in and encourage the Shofar So Great community to come together to collectively release a global Shout and/or release of a Shofar blast. There are many scheduled around the world in the hour leading up to sunset when Pesach observance begins. For many, it will be a cry of repentance, or a wake-up call, a call to assemble for this holy convocation, or a proclamation for liberty throughout the nations and a sound of deliverance that sets the captives free.

These voices of G~d’s people, those that worship the G~d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jew and Gentile, are being called to release these Shofar blasts going all around the world before sundown on Erev Pesach. May it be G~d’s will to create a vibration and sound representing HIS voice in the land to shift the atmosphere and cause a new alignment THAT UNITES US ALL in ECHAD as One on this Seder night. And, if you are receiving this message after Erev Pesach, you can sound the Shofar daily at sundown for the remaining six days.

Please join me as I sound the Shofar from the lowest place on earth where the Jordan River meets the Dead Sea East of Jericho (where the first Pesach was celebrated), a great Tekiah blast for our freedom and a cry of repentance. Let the nations turn to the one true G~d who is revealing HIMSELF in this hour. Could this be a Shofar blast in order to bring down the walls of Jericho that have separated and divided us? Will this be the sound that will pierce the darkness that has tried to destroy us? Let us participate with pure hearts and clean hands in breaking the back of this evil plague. “And Joshua said, “Shout for the L~rd!” Joshua 6:16

Standing under the shadow and inspiration of Moses and Mt. Nevo, where Moses died, from the biblical Gilgal at Beit Hogla, the Jewish Jericho, allow me to usher in this holy appointed time with a reprisal of my Jr. High School trumpet solo, “Go Down Moses.”  “Shelach Et Ami,” Let My People Go!  Chag Pesach Sameach! 

Thank you to all current Shofar So Great Partners.  And, for those of you who haven’t subscribed or renewed this year, it is not too late.  Please consider supporting our efforts to undergird the modern-day pioneers at Beit Hogla.  Your donation of any amount can be made by clicking on the button below.